Are you feeling Überarbeitsglück?
You know those lovely words from other languages, which evoke a feeling or vibe that can’t quite be directly translated or defined? Like hygge, forelsket, wabi-sabi and dépaysement?

I’ve stumbled across a handful describing the freelancing experience.
“German”: Überarbeitung = overwork, Glück = happiness/luck
The paradoxical mix of stress from too much work whilst also grateful that you’re too busy, knowing it’s better than having no work at all.
“Swedish”: Dröm = dream, betalning = payment
The warm hopeful dream of a client paying on time.
“Finnish”: Kahvila = café, paniikki = panic
That moment of indecision when you’re sat in a coffee shop, nature calls, but so does laptop security - leave it on the table, or pack it up and take it with you?
無視憂 (Mushiyū)
“Japanese”: 無視 = ignored, 憂 = sadness/melancholy
The quiet sorrow of being completely ignored online despite your best efforts to connect to new people on LinkedIn.
길벗정 (Gilbeotjeong)
“Korean”: 길벗 = “road companion,” someone walking the same journey, 정 = emotional bond/warmth
The warm feeling of making connections with fellow freelancers who share your experiences and understand how it feels, supporting each other along the way.
I turned to our community to ask about their (made-up) vibes, here’s what they shared:
Feastus Faminus (Latin): The irresistible urge to accept sub-optimal projects in order to avoid the need to hustle. (Gratias, Sally Skinner, strategic writing specialist)
Deedtheepayonthyme: ye olde English for a late-paying client. (Verily, Adam Duckett, Creative Director)
Invoicéjà vu (French) - The unsettling feeling that you’ve sent this invoice before, but here you are, chasing it again like some tragic financial Groundhog Day. (Merci Sue Fisher, fractional marketing director)
Hirewaeth (Welsh) - The occasional and fleeting longing for a cushy 9-5 corporate seat-warming job. (Diolch Jamie Griffiths, content marketer)
(ps. these are completely made up, but I can guarantee every freelancer knows the feeling.)